Here's what T made me for Christmas:

I've been dying for a cool way to display my business cards, which I love since they each have a different image on them. My plan is to put, for example, baby photos up in somewhere like a daycare or a kids' clothing store, wedding ones in a bridal shop, landscapes up in offices where I've got my work on display. So dear hubby and father-in-law whipped up five of these things for me. Exactly exactly what I'd dreamed of!
As if that weren't enough... he prepared a crafting space for me, where I can Leave My Projects Out, without cluttering up the dining room table.

And in fact, it did lead to crafting, right away! Here's what I whipped up before we took off for our ten day tour of New England Families.

These are my favorite shots from the ice storm back in December. Happy Crafting!